In family news, my brother and sister-in-law moved to Amsterdam yesterday. We were able to get together two times in the last week and a half before they left. It was a coincidence that both my brother and I chose to move to different countries within weeks of each other, and my mom jokingly referred to it as a mass exodus. We went through a somewhat similar process of moving and it was great to compare our situations. I’m very excited for them and can’t wait to visit.
In Peace Corps news, I received flight information as well as an outline of what my life with be like for the next several months.
February 10
Flight to Philadelphia
12:00pm-7:00pm—staging (orientation)
February 11
Check out of hotel at 2:00am and drive to JFK airport
Flight to Johannesburg
February 12
Arrive in Jo’burg (15 hours later…)
Flight to Antananarivo, Madagascar
February 13-14
Two day “survival training” and overview
Meet and move in with host family
February 15-April 22
8:00 – 12:00 Class (Malagasy language, technical sessions)
12:00 – 2:00 Lunch Break
2:00 – 5:00 Class (language, cross-culture, and technical sessions)
April 23
Swearing-in ceremony (officially become a volunteer and service begins)
Ever since day 50 or so in my countdown, the days have flown by! I feel like I have so much left to do and I’m can’t wait for all this preparation to be over with. I’ll breathe a sigh of relief once I board the plane because even if I forgot to do something, it won’t matter anymore. I’m almost done shopping for things to pack except for a few miscellaneous items such as luggage locks or rechargeable batteries. I tend to reorganize my gear at least once a week which may be my version of a nervous twitch. I’ve also become addicted to selling my unnecessary items on Craigslist. It’s so exciting when someone emails you actually interested in your unwanted junk! In two weeks, I will begin packing what's left of my stuff to move back to Minnesota with my parents. Time sure flies!
Hi Katie, Your mom sent this link to your blog and I have just finished reading all about you and your plans. It's a great blog and I will love getting to keep up with you over the next couple of years. I am so proud of you for taking this great, big step and especially enjoyed reading your aspirations. It's so great that you took the time to think through what you hope to give and to gain and I'm sure you are well on your way to making your goal. Good for you! Way to be brave! I laughed about your comment that it takes a lot of stuff to go away to another place to live simply :-) Hannah has been in Cambodia for almost 3 weeks and she experienced the same thing, though on a much smaller scale, of course!
ReplyDeleteLove from Texas, Aunt Cindy