Hi and welcome to my blog! Follow my experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in Madagascar serving as a Community Health Advisor from February 2014 to April 2016!
In 2012, I graduated with a bachelor degree in social work, and during my junior year, I studied abroad in Australia. This really opened my eyes as to how big this world is, and how many different types of lifestyles there are. While Australia is not too different from the United States, I still knew that I wanted to meet and work with as many different types of people as I could.
After I graduated college, I worked in a nursing home as a medical social worker. I worked on census development, referrals, screened for depression and dementia, and monitored psychotropic medications. I provided counseling regarding grief and loss, adjustment to placement, and crisis intervention. I learned a great deal about health, interdisciplinary collaboration, the aging process, and how to help people in general.
I grew up dancing and this has been a big part of life. I had the opportunity to work as a dance instructor for four years at a competitive studio. I absolutely loved teaching dance, and watching the dancers and the studio grow was truly rewarding.
Whether I worked at the nursing home, taught dance to a 7 year old or just did laundry and sat on the computer, I've always wanted to help create positive sustainable change no matter how large or small. I didn’t become a social worker to change the world, but rather to help individuals create positive change within their own life. These small changes within individuals are what create change in the world. It is this desire that led me to the Peace Corps. I’m excited to focus my efforts on a community abroad, and I'm sure I'll learn more than I can possibly imagine!
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